The territorial authority of public order Vrancea
1.Claudia- Lavinia Serafimciuc – member
2.Nica Remus Gherasim– member
3.Alecsandrescu Dorian – member
4.Chiscop Flaviu-Dorel – member
5.Vlad Alin Marian – Marian – member
6.Babis Adrian – member
7.Eduard Lambrino – member
8.Toader Constantin – member
9.Croitoru Vasile – member
10. Raducanu Catalin– member
11.Nedelcu Florin – ATOP president
12.Epure Ion – member
13.Lazar Dorel – member – member
14.Stroie Gheorghe – member
15.Sapunaru Dorina – member
Commissions of the Territorial Authority of Public Order Vrancea
I. Coordination Commission for Emergency Situations and for Petitions
Nica Remus Gherasim – Chief Inspector of IPJ Vrancea
Adrian Babis -Chief Inspector of IJJ Vrancea
Flaviu- Dorel Chiscop – Chief Inspector of ISU Vrancea
Constantin Toader – representative of the community
Florin Nedelcu- county counselor (ATOP president)
Gheorghe Stroie – county counselorAlecsandrescu Dorian – Executive Director of the Local Police
II. Commission for Planning, Establishing and Assessing Minimal Performance Indicators
Claudia – Lavinia Serafimciuc – sub-prefect of Vrancea County
Babis Adrian – Chief Inspector of IJJ Vrancea
Ion Epure – county counselor
Dorel Lazăr – county counselor
Eduard Lambrino – representative of the community -
III. Commission on Social Issues, Professional Standards, Consultancy and Human Rights
Vlad Alin Marian – the representative of the National Corps of Police officers
Chiscop Flaviu-Dorel – Chief Inspector of ISU Vrancea
Dorina Săpunaru – county counselor
Cătălin Răducanu – county counselor
Vasile Croitoru – representative of the community -
Executive Secretariat
Ilade Nicoleta – principal inspector
- Reports and other documents
ATOP attributions
The Territorial Authority of Public Order is a consultative body, without legal personality, which is constituted and functions in addition to the General Council of the Municipality of Bucharest, respectively, alongside each county council, and which carries out its activity in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 218/2002 on the organization and functioning of the Romanian Police and of the present regulation, in order to ensure the good development and increase of the efficiency of the police service in the administrative-territorial unit in which it operates.
The territorial public order authority ensures through its activity the representation and promotion of the community interests in order to ensure a public safety and security climate. In order to achieve the attributions stipulated by the Law no. 218/2002, the territorial public order authority shall carry out its activity in plenary and in working commissions. The Plenum meets quarterly in the ordinary session and whenever necessary in the extraordinary session, at the written convocation of the president or at the request of at least 4 members , addressed to the president.
The President represents the territorial public order authority, mainly having the following attributions:
- a) convene and lead plenary sessions;
- b) coordinates the work of the working commissions and the executive secretariat;
- c) presents quarterly information on the efficiency of the police service in the meetings of the General Council of the Municipality of Bucharest, respectively of the county council;
- d) coordinates the elaboration of the annual report on police activity.
The working committees are:
- a) Coordination Commission, Emergency Situations and Petitions;
- b) Commission for planning, establishing and evaluating the minimum performance indicators;
- c) Commission for Social Issues, Professional Standards, Consultancy and Human Rights.
Committees meet monthly.
Periodic information, plans of measures, programs, strategies of action and any other documents elaborated by the working commissions, which commit the territorial public order authority in the relations with third parties, are subject to adoption or, as the case may be, for approval by its plenum, which is in this respect.
The Coordination, Emergency and Petitions Commission is composed of 4 members, as follows: 2 councilors, including the president of the authority, a representative of the community, the head of the General Police Directorate of Bucharest Municipality and of the County Police Inspectorate.
The first commission has the following tasks:
- a) organize consultations with members of the local community and non-governmental organizations on the priorities of the security of the person and public order and on this basis draws up an annual strategic plan with a recommendation character for the police units;
- b) monitor the activities of the police and notify possible deficiencies in its activity, in order to take operational measures for their removal;
- c) makes proposals for the police to solve the complaints addressed to him concerning the violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms;
- d) at the proposal of the police units or on its own initiative it analyzes the activity of the institutions in charge with the support of persons in risk situations or with inadequate behaviors (psychiatric patients, minors, prisoners, people without means of subsistence, etc.) recommending them to take measures to increase the efficiency of their activity;
- e) to take measures for the interest of non-governmental organizations in the execution of the crime prevention act;
- f) identifies the necessary logistics to make police service more efficient.
The Committee for Planning, Establishing and Assessing Minimal Performance Indicators is composed of 4 members, as follows: 2 councilors, one representative of the community and the sub-prefect.
The second Commission has the following attributions:
- a) participate in the elaboration of the activity plan provided by art. 18 lit. a) of Law no. 218/2002 and the setting of minimum performance indicators for police service;
- b) pursues the fulfillment of the performance indicators, periodically presenting information in this respect to the plenum of the territorial public order authority;
- c) recommends the initiation of normative acts in the field of ensuring public safety;
- d) at the request and on its own initiative, it moves to the headquarters of the police units and, in the report of findings, formulates requests or recommendations to the authorizing officers for financing;
- e) elaborates specialized studies, papers and documentation in the field of public order;
- f) elaborates the annual report on the efficiency of the police, which will be presented at the meeting of the county council, respectively of the General Council of Bucharest, and shall be published.
The Commission for Social Issues, Professional Standards, Consultancy and Human Rights is composed of 4 members, as follows: 2 councilors, one community representative and one representative of the National Corps of Politicians.
The third Commission has the following tasks:
- a) receives notifications of violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms and makes proposals for their legal settlement by police units, organizing audiences for this purpose;
- b) monitor, from the point of view of public order, the daily activities and make written recommendations to those prone to breaking the law in order to review their attitude (market administrators, organizers of cultural and artistic events, administrators of public food establishments , discotheques, casinos, etc.);
- c) takes measures to engage the population in activities of ensuring public order and security of the person’s assets;
- d) recommends to all structures with educational responsibilities to take the necessary measures against the persons prone to breaking the law.
The activity of the territorial public order authority shall be carried out in the premises provided by the General Council of the City of Bucharest and by the county councils, as the case may be.
In order to perform its permanent duties, the territorial public order authority is an executive secretariat consisting of at least two persons, assigned to positions established by a decision of the General Council of Bucharest Municipality, respectively of the county council, by the adequate filling of the positions of the Bureau of relations with the audience in their own organizational chart.
The Executive Secretary ensures receipt and sending of correspondence, petitions and complaints to citizens, as well as the press relations.
The decisions of the territorial public order authority are adopted by a simple majority, quorum of at least 9 members.
The Territorial Authority of Public Order has no competence in the operational matters of the police.
For the activity carried out in the plenum and in the committees, the members of the territorial public order authority are entitled to a meeting indemnity established by the General Council of the City of Bucharest, respectively by the county councils.