Energetic rehabilitation and related works County Emergency Hospital ”Sf. Pantelimon” Focsani, Department of pneumoftiziology MySMIS Code 118521

The project is financed within the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020, Priority Axis 3: Supporting the transition to an economy with low carbon emissions, Investments Priority 3.1: Supporting the energetic efficiency, the intelligent management of energy and the use of energy from renewable resources in the public infrastructures, including the public buildings and the households, Operation B: Public buildings.
The contract, whose beneficiary is UAT Vrancea, has been signed with the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration, as Management Authority for ROP 2014-2020 and the Agency for Region Development South-East, as Intermediary Body for ROP 2014-2020.
The total value of the contract is of 5.787.743,22 lei, of which: total eligible value 4.164.296,08 lei, eligible non-reimbursable amount from the European Regional Development Fund 3.539.651,67 lei, eligible non-reimbursable amount from the national budget 541.358,49 lei and the eligible co-financing amount of the Beneficiary 83.285,92 lei.
The project’s general objective/The project’s purpose
The project’s general objective aims the increase of energetic efficiency in the public building Emergency County Hospital “Sf. Pantelimon” Focsani, Department of pneumoftiziology by running intervention works with the purpose of thermo-insulating the building, modernization of the plant for preparing and distributing the thermal agent and the sewage, installing the conditioning systems, upgrading the lighting installation, including the use of renewable energy for assuring the necessary of energy, as well as other related works.
With this project will be supported activities specific to the realization of investments for increasing the energetic efficiency of the public buildings, respectively:
- Thermal insulation of the façade – glass side (replacing the existent exterior carpentry, including the access ways).
- Thermal insulation of the exterior walls and of the exterior flameproof extruded polystyrene pedestal with a 10 cm thickness.
- Trimming the holes from the carpentry with flameproof extruded polystyrene of 3 cm thickness.
- Thermal insulation of the floor over the basement.
- Increasing the thermal resistance of the terrace over the value of 5,00 m2k/W stipulated by rules, including its hydro insulation.
- Replacing the distribution plant between the connection point (where will be installed the heating pump) and the floor over the thermal channel, including the thermal insulation and the installing of differential pressure faucets at the base of the columns for the network’s thermal hydraulic self-regulation.
- Replacing the heating plants with aluminium radiators in the sanitary groups and in the storage areas and carcase ventiloconvectores for floors/walls for the rest;
- Installing certain alternative systems for producing the electric energy and/or the thermal energy for own consumption;
- Replacing and increasing the efficiency of the heating source and the distribution lines by connecting the heating plants and consumption warm water to the own thermal energy distribution system in the building;
- Rehabilitating and upgrading the conditioning systems, natural ventilation and mechanic ventilation;
- Rehabilitating and upgrading the lighting system;
- Works of integrated energetic management for buildings and other activities that lead to the accomplishment of the project’s objectives;
- Related works.
Project’s specific objectives
The project’s specific objective is represented by the reduction of minimum 40% from the annual consumption of primary energy to values of under 115 kWh/sqm/year and the gas consumption with greenhouse effect for the thermal insulated building Emergency County Hospital “Sf. Pantelimon” Focsani, Department of pneumoftiziology up to values of under 32 kg/sqm/year. By applying the maximal measures package from within the Energetic Audit Report and the Technical Expertise, the package 1 of solutions, afferent to scenario 1 of intervention, it is intended to reduce primary energy consumption with over 69.75%, as well as the reduction of thermal energy for heating the areas with almost 57.77%. Thus, the values recorded for the specific annual consumption of primary energy and the specific annual level of emissions equivalent CO2 will be placed, further to the intervention, under the values imposed by the guide for the reference year 2018: 79.67 KWh/sqm/year for primary energy and 17.63 Kg/sqm/year (24.17 equivalent in tons) for CO2 emissions. By increasing the energetic performance of the public building, on a short and medium term, are being reduced the expenses for the building’s maintenance, is assured the support of the economic agents from the construction field and are created new working places for the period while the intervention is made. By partially producing the energy using renewable resources will be diminished the emission of CO2.
Expected results
Result details – Component 1
- 1 building efficient from an energetic point of view and consolidated by accomplishing intervention works that aim:
- The works of thermal rehabilitation of the building’s elements of envelop;
- Works of thermal rehabilitation of the heating system and domestic hot water;
- Installing certain alternative systems for producing the electric energy and/or the thermal energy;
- The works of installing the air conditioning systems, of natural ventilation for assuring the quality of the interior air;
- The works for upgrading the lighting installation;
- The works of integrated energetic management for buildings;
- The repairs of the degraded/cracked façade’s plastering;
- The restoration of the meteoric water’s collecting and evacuation system at the roof level;
- Dismantling the installations and the equipment apparently mounted on the building’s facades/terraces, as well as their fitting/re-fitting after the intervention works;
- Restoring the interior fittings in the intervention areas;
- Repairing the degraded protection sidewalks, with the purpose of eliminating the infiltrations at the building’s infrastructure – Creation of facilities/adapting the infrastructure for the disabled persons, respectively making an access ramp at the ground-floor level and setting up a sanitary group, according to the rules in force;
- Specific works necessary for obtaining the ISU notice.
- Indicator for accomplishing (output) – afferent to the building Hospital “Sf. Pantelimon” pneumoftiziology
Value at the beginning of the project’s implementation | Value at the end of the project’s implementation
(of output) |
Annual specific level of the gases with greenhouse effect (equivalent tons of CO2) | 74.573 | 24.177 |
Annual consumption of primary energy (kWh/year) | 361.214,01 | 109.225,24 |
Project indicator (supplementary)
Annual consumption of final energy in the public building (from renewable sources) |
31,058 | 9,394 |
Project indicator (supplementary)
Annual specific consumption of primary energy (from renewable sources) (KwH/m2/year) Total (heating/cooling, domestic hot water and non-renewable) |
271,709 | 95,717 |
Annual consumption of primary energy from renewable sources (heating/cooling) (kWh/year) total: | 0 | 16.00 |
After the implementation of the measures proposed within the Maximal Measures Package, the energy produced from renewable sources will reach a level of 21,83% from the total energy consumption of the rehabilitated building.
The target group identified is represented by the persons that are working and that receive treatment within the hospital and that will have a direct benefit from the thermal rehabilitation works that will be performed:
- 240 patients
- 100 doctors, nurses
The implementing period of the project : 01.08.2017 -31.12.2023.
Beneficiary: the Administrative Territorial Unit Vrancea County, having the headquarters in n. 1, Dimitrie Cantemir Blvd., Focsani, Vrancea County, postal code 620098, Romania.
Phone number: 0237.213.057 E- mail: contact@cjvrancea.ro
Contact person: Tătăranu Irina – Project manager
We invest into your future! Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020
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We invest into your future!
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the
Regional Operational Program 2014-2020

www.inforegio.ro | facebook.com/inforegio.ro
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