18 May 2018
International Festival of Vineyard and Wine “Bachus”
The International of Vineyard and Wine “Bachus” is the most important event in Romania and takes place in Focsani every year at the beginning of October.
The festival, which is the most famous and longevive event in Romania, is dedicated to the Vrancean vineyards living in the vineyard culture and aims to promote local producers and quality wines from the largest vineyard of Romania.
Several events are traditionally organized within the Festival:
- The National Wine Competition”BACHUS” is the most important competition in Romania, due to the large number of samples submitted in the competition, sent by the producers from the country and abroad. In the near future, it is hoped that this wine competition will become the most important in South-Eastern Europe.
- The Wine Exhibition “Bachus” is meant to bring to the fore the work of the Vrancean Podgoren and its most important product: the wine, for which Vrancea County is renowned.
- Free wine tasting lessons, open to the general public, where wine enthusiasts find out how a wine is tasting and how it can be associated with various dishes.
- The Velo Event “The Vineyard Vrancea Road … on the Bicycle”
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