In Vrancea County are created 8 Groups of Local Action (GAL).
The Group of Local Action Siretul Verde is a public private partnership, having in its composition 26 public partners, private and NGOs.
“Siretul Verde” is situated predominantly in the Eastern part of Vrancea County, from the North to South on the course of Inferior Siret River. The GAL’s territory includes a number of 52.629 inhabitants (according to the Local Development Plan GAL Siretul Verde 2009) and nine territorial administrative units: the town of Marasesti (Vrancea County), the communes: Ruginești, Pufești, Garoafa, Vânători, Biliești, Suraia, Vulturu (Vrancea County), Movileni (Galaţi County). The territory of the partnership has a total area of607 sqkm, representing 1.69% from the area included in the South-East Development Region.
In the territory there are three protected area included in the network Nature 2000:
ROSPA Inferior Siret Meadow;
ROSCI Merişor Forest – Zatuanului Meander;
Black Forest – included in the Natural Reservation Siret Meadow.
The Group of Local Action Panciu Vineyard is a public-private partnership, having in its componence 23 partners: representatives of the public administration (2), association and NGOs (8), representatives of the economic sector (12), representatives of the civil society (1).
The Territory Panciu Vineyard is located in the South-East Region, in the central part of Vrancea County, having a total surface of 500.56 sqkm, a population of 36.258 inhabitants (according to the Local Development Plan GAL Panciu Vineyard, 2010) and includes seven localities: a city – Panciu and six communes – Bolotesti, Fitionesti, Moviliţa, Păuneşti, Străoane, Tifeşti.
In the territory exists a protected site included in Nature 2000, which is Măgura Odobeștilor.
The economic and social homogeneity is given by the viticulture as specific and predominant activity.
The Group of Local Action Dacian Forests is a private-public partnership which reunites 31 partners: 9 representatives of the public administration, 4 associations and NGOs, 14 representatives of the economic sector, 4 representatives of the civil society.
The GAL’s territory comprises the North-Eastern part of Vrancea County, the Southern limit of Bacau County, the Northern limit of Vaslui County and the North-Eastern part of Galati County, spreading on a surface of 267.22 sqkm. The number of inhabitants is of 24.405 (according to the Local Development Plan GAL Dacian Forests, 2010), with the residence in the six component localities: the communes Boghești, Corbiţa, Homocea, Tănăsoaia and Ploscuțeni from Vrancea County and the commune Brăhăşeşti from Galati County.
In the territory there are three protected area included in the network Nature 2000:
ROSCI Inferior Siretului Meadow;
ROSPA Inferior Siretului Meadow;
ROSCI The Forest Buciumeni – Homocea; -
The Group of Local Action the County of Wine and Vineyards is a public-private partnership, having in its componence 31 partners: 8 representatives of the public administration, 5 associations and NGOs, 13 representatives of the economic sector, 5 representatives of the civil society.
The territory is stretching in the Eastern part of Vrancea County, from the area of the Oriental Carpathians till the area of plain of Siret, having a surface of 487.11 sqkm and a population of 54.646 inhabitants (according to the Local Development Plan GAL The County of Wine and Vineyards Vrancea, 2010). The localities included in the GAL are: the city Odobesti and the communes: Jariştea, Vârteșcoiu, Cîrligele, Goleşti, Coteşti, Urecheşti, Popeşti, Bordești, Dumbrăveni, Tîmboiești, Obrejiţa, Slobozia Bradului from Vrancea County and the commune Podgoria from Buzau County.
The component part of the territory, Bordesti locality, is an area included in the category of Disadvantaged Areas of Specific Natural Conditions.
The protected areas included in the Network Nature 2000 representative for the territory are: Dalhauti Forest (ROSCI 0071) and the site Vrancea’s Sub Carpathian (ROSPA 0141).
The territory has an important specific agriculture potential, the area cultivated with vineyards summing up to 42.85 % from the agriculture cultivated area in the territory. The vine represents the unicity of the territory and the area’s identity.
The territory GAL Vrancea County is located in the South-Eastern part of Romania, at the curvature of the Oriental Carpathians, representing a genuine connection link between the three great historical provinces – Moldavia, Tara Romaneasca and Transylvania.
The rural space is, for the Area Vrancea County, a territory on which are developing activities that belong to the primary sectors – agriculture and animal breeding – and which is also a support for other activities and services. In the same time, the area Vrancea County incorporates important aspects concerning the natural, the landscape and the cultural patrimony, contributing, in a great measure, at the uniform development of the traditional rural culture.
The structure of the public-private partnership GAL Vrancea County includes 66 members, namely: 15 public partners (14 local public administrations and 1 school group), 23 private partners, 28 representatives of the civil society.
The territory covered by GAL includes 16 localities, most of them being part from the old historical province Vrancea County (the communes Tulnici, Negrilești, Vizantea Livezile, Câmpuri, Răcoasa, Nistoreşti, Păuleşti, Bârseşti, Vidra, Nereju, Paltin, Vrâncioaia, Spulber, Valea Sării and Năruja), and a locality is part of Covasna County (the city of Covasna).
The total number of inhabitants that are part of the territorial area is of 56.777 inhabitants (according to the Local Development Plan GAL Vrancea County, 2009), disposed on a total area of 1.644,79 sqkm. -
The territory covered by the Group of Local Action (GAL) Vrancea Sounth-East belongs, from an administrative point of view, to two counties: Vrancea and Galati. It’s a total rural area, continuous, uniform from the point of view of the geographical and economical data, comprising 11 communes from the South-Eastern part of Vrancea County (Bălești, Ciorăşti, Gologanu, Gugeşti, Măicăneşti, Milcovul, Năneşti, Răstoaca, Sihlea, Slobozia Ciorăşti, Tătăranu) and a commune from the western part of Galati County (Nămoloasa).
The public-private partnership GAL Vrancea South-East is formed of 43 members, thus: 15 representatives of the public administration, 23 private partners and 5 representatives of the civil society.
The total surface of the territory is of 781 sqkm, having a population of 43.578 inhabitants (according to the Local Development Plan GAL Vrancea South-East, 2009).
The Group of Local Action has in its componence the following communes: Bârsănești, Helegiu, Gura Văii, Târgu-Trotuş, Ştefan cel Mare, Buciumi, Caşin, Mănăstirea Caşin, Căiuţi, Coțofănești, Urecheşti (from Bacău County), Soveja (from Vrancea County).
The analysed territory (GAL Trotus Valley) is situated at the Southern limit of Trotus basin. As main relief units we mention the Depression Tazlău-Caşin, Pietricica Peak, Berzunti Mountains and Vrancea Sub Carpathians. It includes a total area of 966.63 sqkm and a total number of 56.684 inhabitants (according to the Local Development Plan GAL Trotuş Valley Bacău, 2010).
Teritoriul analizat (GAL Valea Trotuşului) se situează în zona limitei sudice a bazinului Trotuşului. Ca unităţi principale de relief menţionăm Depresiunea Tazlău-Caşin, Culmea Pietricicăi, Munţii Berzunți şi Subcarpaţii Vrancei. Cuprinde o suprafață totală de 966,63 km2 și un număr total de 56.684 de locuitori (conform Planului de Dezvoltare Locală G.A.L Valea Trotuşului Bacău, 2010).
The Group of Local Action Ramnic Valley represents a public-private partnership formed of 29 members, 7 of which are public institutions, 15 private partners and 7 partners representing the civil society.
The territory of the Local Action Group Ramnic Valley has a population of 35.304 inhabitants (according to the Local development Plan GAL Ramnic Valley 2009) and a area of 877 sqkm and includes portions from two counties: the central part and the South-Western part of Vrancea County and the North-Eastern part of Buzau County. This is totally represented by the rural area, being formed of 13 communes: from Vrancea County – Andreiaşu de jos, Broşteni, Chiojdeni, Dumitreşti, Gura Caliţei, Jitia, Mera, Poiana Cristei, Reghiu, Vintileasca and communes from Buzau County – Bisoca, Buda, Valea Salciei.
In the territory there are protected areas such as:
The Natural Reservation Bisoca Lakes Forest;
The Alive Fire from Andreiasu;
ROSPA: Măgura Odobeşti, Vrancea Sub Carpathians;
ROSCI: Muntioru Meadow, Muntioru Ursoaia, Cenaru, Reghiu Scruntar, Bisoca.
The communes Andreiaşu de Jos, Chiojdeni, Jitia, Mera, Poiana Cristei, Reghiu and Vintileasca from Vrancea County and the communes Bisoca and Valea Salciei from Buzau County are part from the UAT List of less favoured mountain area
The communes Dumitresti and Gura Calitei from Vrancea County and the commune Buda from Buzau County are part from the List less favoured by specific natural conditions.
The territory represented by the Group of Local Action Ramnic Valley is a rural area completely, that is facing with problems specific to the Romanian villages, problems that are making the difference between the urban space more developed and the rural one, from the point of view of all its components: the rural economy, the demographic potential, health, education, culture etc.