The county public service of persons record Vrancea
The County Public Service for Persons Record Vrancea functions as a public institution of county interest, with jucidical personality, under the authority of the county public administration, having as purpose the exercising of the competences that are given by law, in order to apply the stipulations of the normative acts that regulate the persons’ record activity, civil status. The activity of the department is developed in the interest of the persons and of the community, for the support of the State’s institutions, exclusively on the basis and respecting the law.
The County Public Service for Persons Record Vrancea treats with professionalism and competence the citizens’ problems, on the line of releasing the identity documents, as well as on the line of civil status, respecting strictly the legal provisions on the matter.
The County Public Service for Persons Record Vrancea is located in Focsani, on 56, Cuza Voda Street.
The need for people record has existed form the oldest times. Without the people record a state could not exist. At the beginning this necessity was dictated by the need of having information on the number of population able to pay taxes and to satisfy the military service. As the society has developed – the need of knowing increases – and along with it increases the need for people record – of its structure on the basis of different criteria of classification. The more advanced the country is from a social and economical point of view, the bigger the requirements for the plenitude and diversity of the information on population is.
The population record has its big history. The counting of the citizens, of the population, has begun a long time ago. In China, such counting has been done over 4.000 years ago. In Ancient Rome the persons’ record has begun to be done ever since the 6th century before Christ. The population record took place also in the ancient Egypt or Ancient Greece, but in those times the record was primitive and included only a part of the population, precisely certain social classes were kept under observation. As the national states were consolidated and once the beginning of the development of market relations appears the need of opbtaining a more ample and diverse information on population – starting from information strictly on civil status (births, marriages, deaths) to statistical information (given by censuses).
Among the first states that set the basis of the general census with regularity of the population was the United States of America (starting with the year 1790), Great Britain and France (since 1801) and other European states. These in fact weren’t censuses yet – in the modern concept of the word. At these cenuses were registered only the total number of men and women, and the counting of population was dally in time. The purposes of these registrations were the fiscal measures and the appreciation of the number of mature men and the households.
The first census, in which were used the scientific principles of people record has been don in Belgium in 1846 under the leading of the famous statistician A. Ketle. Ever since then it has started a fast increase of the share of world’s population, covered by cenuses. By the middle of the 19th Century appear the ideas about the scientific basis of people’s cenuses, efforts for elaborating the unique international rules regarding their performing have been done. This has contributed to the creation in many countries of the special organisms of statistics, to the development of the science in the field of stastistics and to the organization of international congresses of the statisticians. In the same time are elaborated the basic principles of well organizing the people’s censuses. In many countries the censuses are done every 5 or 10 years. From 1870 till 1879 in the entire world are performed 48 censuses of the population, in the 80s – already 54, in the 90s – 57, and in the first decade of the 20th century – 74 censuses. The periodicity with which the censuses were organized has been stopped only by World War I and II.
Lately the methodology and the way of organizing the censues has been perfected. Using informational and technological equippment allow, at a higher level, to ensure the data collection, fill in and processing, as well as the dissemination of the censuses’ totals.
In what concerns our country, we have no very clear information regarding the history of people’s record, maybe also due to the “importance” given to this aspect of the social life in essence. Only in 1949 (Presidential Decree n. 25 from 23rd of January 1949 regarding the creation of Militia) appears stipulated clearly the notion of “people record” as attribution of the newly created state body, but wasn’t based on modern principles (at that time existed record services within the Militia and also in the administrative units: Communal, Town, Municipal Popular Councils, departments of civil status).
By extension (reported to the European history) we can conclude that in the Middle Age, in the Romanian Countries the people record was in church’s duty – who was registering the births, the marriages and the deaths in registers (we doubt the accuracy of the records) the importance of this record being mainly the number of potential taxes payers. Secondarely, every boyar was staking on the masculine force when talking about “the great army of the country”.
In the modern period, the attributions for persons record are taken over by the local administrations. In 1930 a census of population and households has been done in Romania (which included the territories that are today in other countries’ componence), census that was based on scientific principles (copying probably the French and Belgian systems).
After the installing of the communist regime, in the organizational structure of militia was included the persons’ record, and the Department of Statistics had the role of processing a series of data regarding the population, of issuing a series of documents and statistical reports and of initiating censuses – for population and households (role maintained even nowadays from this point of view). Under the subordination of the administration remains only the civil status.
On the 27th of December 1989, through a Decree of C.F.S.N. was created the Police – taking over the attributions and the functions of the old militia. The system was permanently and continously ”reformed”, the race regarding the adherence to the European Union and balancing the Romanian legislative system with the ones from the European Union, have led in 2001 (through the GO n. 84/2001) to the creation, organization and functioning of the community public services for people’s record (pay attention: demilitarized body) and after “a very short time”, in 2004, of the methodological norm of application of the normative act from above.
Address: Focşani, str. Cuza Voda, nr. 56, judetul Vrancea
Open in Google Maps
Director: Ciobotaru Catalin
Tel: 0237/230041, 0237230088 – fax
E-mail: contact@evpvn.ro
Web site: www.evpvn.ro