Request for information of public interest on the basis of Law N. 544/2001 regarding the free access at the information of public interest
The public officer responsible with diffusion of the public information | |
Bobeica Iuliana – superior inspector | tel. 0372.372429 |
The public officer responsible with the media relations | |
Girleanu Mihaela |
tel. 0372.372429 ,
e-mail: presa@cjvrancea.ro
Normative documents regulating the activity of the county council
Methods of challenging the decisions of the public authority
Forms referring to Law 544/2001
Documents produced and/or managed by Vrancea County Council which represent information of public interest
- Decisions with normative character issued by the County Council and the preparatory documents
- Dispositions with normative character issued by the president of the County Council and the preparatory documents
- The correspondence with the authorities of the local public administration
- The correspondence with the Prefect’s Office – Vrancea County
- The correspondence with the decentralized public institutions of the ministries in the territory
- The correspondence with authorities, bodies or institutions from other countries
- Minutes, information, approvals of the commissions of speciality
- Quarterly accounting
- PUG, PUZ, PUD approved by Vrancea County Council
- Building permits and preparatory documents
- Inventory of the goods that belong to the public domain of county interest
- Inventory of the goods that belong to the public domain of the cities and communes from Vrancea County
- Wealth statements of the county council’s public officers and of the county councillors
- Interest statements of the county council’s public officers and of the county councillors
- Works referring to the civil and litigation trials
- Works regarding the leading and control of the institutions from its subordination
- Vrancea County Council
- Works regarding the technical and legal assistance given at the request of the mayoralties, of the vice-mayors and of the local councillors
- Works regarding the coordination of the actions of county interest
- Works regarding the operations of funds supply, cash flow and unlock of budgetary credits, modifications of the quarterly allocations
- Service supply or works contracts signed with natural or legal persons
- The annual plan of public procurements
- Documents regarding the public procurements
- Reports regarding the implementation status by the CJC of different projects co-financed from the community funds or of other external financing institutions
- Studies, prognosis, programmes
- Audit reports and any other documents of control concluded at Vrancea County Council by the authorized bodies
List of documents and information of public interest
- Decisions with normative character
- Disposals with normative character issued by the president of the county council
- Rules of organization and functioning of the county council
- Rules of organization and functioning of the departments from within the county council
- Budget of incomes and expenses approved on the basis of the annual legal stipulations for approving the state budget
- Annual budget execution account
- Strategies, programmes, prognosis regarding the county’s economic and social development
- Documents and information regarding the completion and the fulfilment of the stipulations signed in the friendship and collaboration partnerships concluded with authorities of the public administration from abroad, NGOs and other social partners
- Documents regarding the organization and the development of the actions occasioned by special events from the life and history of the Romanians, by the anniversary of certain personalities or on occasion of the visits performed in the county be delegations from the country and from abroad
- Documents regarding the signing of collaboration and association protocols with local councils, with county public institutions and with economic agents from the country
- Documents regarding the cultural and artistic events organized in collaboration with the units financed by the county council
- Inventory of the goods that are in the county’s public and private domain
- Information regarding the stage of accomplishing the own investments
- Centralization and evaluation of damages produced by calamities
- The annual plan of public procurement
- Documents for organizing the procedures of public procurement
- The result of the procedures for goods, services and works procurement
- Maps including urbanistic plans
- Classification of the county roads
- Documents regarding the state of the county roads
- Annual reports on the activity of the president, of the vice-presidents and of the county councillors
- Minutes of the county council’s meetings
- Work programmes on funding sources
- Documents and information used at the elaboration of the PUG (General Urbanistic Plan) after its approval
- Own rules on the exercise of public internal audit
- The book of the intern public audit and the ethics code of the intern public auditor
- Documents on the job contest organized by the County Council
- Wealth, interest declarations for the public officers and for the county councillors
Annual reports for applying the Law
Raport periodic de activitate al Consiliului Judeţean Vrancea pentru anul 2017 întocmit conform art. 5 alin.(3) din Legea nr. 544/2001 privind liberul acces la informaţiile de interes public, cu modificările şi completările ulterioare
Raport Legea nr. 544/2001 – pe anul 2016
Raport Legea nr. 544/2001 – pe anul 2015
- Legislation on the field of information of public interest