Modernization and endowment of the specialty Pediatric Ambulatory section within within the County Emergency Hospital ”Sf. Pantelimon” Focşani, cod MySMIS 126128

The Territorial Administrative Unit of Vrancea County, as a beneficiary, announces the start of the activities of the project “Modernization and endowment of an ambulatory section within County Emergency Hospital ”Sf. Pantelimon” Focşani, cod MySMIS 126128.
The project is funded under the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020, Priority Axis 8: Development of health and social infrastructure, Investment priority 8.1: Investments in health and social infrastructures which contributes to development at national, regional and local level, reducing inequalities regarding health status and promoting social inclusion by improving access to social, cultural services and recreation, as well as the transition from institutional services to services provided by communities Specific objective 8.1 – Increasing the accessibility of health, community and secondary services, especially for poor and remote areas; Operation A: Ambulatory.
The total value of the financing contract is 3,433,675.77 lei, of which: the total eligible value 3,433675.77 lei, the eligible non-refundable amount from the European Regional Development Fund 2403573.05 lei, the eligible value non-refundable from the national budget 961429.20 lei and the value of the eligible co-financing of the Beneficiary 68,673.52 lei.
The general objective of the project is to increase the energy efficiency in the public building Pediatric specialty ambulatory within the County Emergency Hospital Sf. Pantelimon Focşani, by carrying out intervention works with the purpose of thermal insulation of the building, modernization of the installation and distribution of the thermal agent and of the domestic water, installation of air conditioning systems, modernization of the lighting installation, including the use of renewable sources to ensure the energy needs, as well as other works related.
The specific objective of the project is to reduce by a minimum 40% of the annual primary energy consumption up to values below 115 kWh / sqm / year and of the consumption of greenhouse gases for the thermally insulated building Sf. Pantelimon Focşani County Emergency Hospital, -Ambulatory specialty Pediatrics up to values below 28666.10 Kg / sqm / year.
By applying all the solutions proposed in the maximum package of proposed measures, the reduction of the thermal energy consumption will be obtained for the heating of the spaces by 75.97%, the building to be in the energy class “B” with an energy rating of 99.20 and a total consumption specific annual final energy of 132,980 kwh / m2 / year, ultimately resulting in an energy efficient building and in terms of increasing user comfort and quality of health services.
After the implementation of the measures proposed in the Maximum Package of Measures, the energy produced from renewable sources will reach a level of 21.83% of the total primary energy consumption of the rehabilitated building. At the same time, the specific annual level of greenhouse gases will be considerably reduced.
The target group identified is the people who work and are treated within the Ambulatory-Pediatrics and who will directly benefit from the thermal rehabilitation works that will be carried out:
The period of implementation of the project is 46 months, respectively between 01.04.2018 and 31.01.2022.
Additional information about the project can be obtained at: Vrancea County Territorial Administrative Unit, str. Bd. Dimitrie Cantemir, no. 1, place. Focşani, Vrancea County, postal code: 620098, Romania, Tel: 0237.213.057 E-mail: contact@cjvrancea.ro, Contact person: Matișan Dragoș – Project manager
For more information about the other programs co-financed by the European Union, we invite you to visit www.fonduri-ue.ro www.inforegio.ro facebook.com/inforegio.ro
Investim în viitorul tău! Proiect cofinanțat din Fondul European
de Dezvoltare Regională prin Programul Operațional Regional 2014-2020

www.inforegio.ro | facebook.com/inforegio.ro
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