Innovation and performance in the public administration of the Vrancea County Council CODE SIPOCA 813 / MySMIS 136088

The county of Vrancea county administrative unit, as beneficiary, announces the start of the activities of the project “Innovation and performance in public Administration of the Vrancea County Council”, code SIPOCA 813/ MySMIS code 136088./ The Territorial Administrative Unit of Vrancea County
The project is financed under the Operational Program Administrative Capacity, Call code: POCA / 661/2/1 / Introduction of common systems and standards in local public administration that optimize beneficiary-oriented processes in accordance with SCAP, Component 1 CP13 / 2019 for the region underdeveloped – Rationale for decisions, strategic planning and simplification measures for citizens at the level of local public administration in less developed regions, Priority Axis – Accessible and transparent public administration and judiciary, Operation – Introduction of common systems and standards in local public administration optimizes beneficiary-oriented processes in line with SCAP.
The total value of the project is 3.949.107,27 lei, of which the non-reimbursable eligible value: 3.870.125,12 lei (non-reimbursable eligible value from the ESF: 3.356.741,18 lei, non-reimbursable eligible value from the national budget: 513.383,94 lei) and the beneficiary’s co-financing amounting to 78.982,15 lei.
The general objective of the project is to increase the quality and performance of the public services within the Vrancea County Council, following the implementation of long-term strategies and the implementation of measures to cut red tape and simplify procedures for the citizens of Vrancea County.
The specific objectives are to:
1. Elaboration of the strategy for economic and social development of Vrancea county for the period 2021-2027;
2. Elaboration of the public communication strategy at Vrancea county level;
3. The reduction of the time of document processing by organizing a computerized archive and the retrodigitization of documents on paper archived in accordance with the legal provisions, related to the shared services of the Vrancea County Council;
4.Implementation of an integrated IT system (front office and back office) for access to the services shared by the Vrancea County Council;
5. Improvement of the professional knowledge and skills of 100 people within the institution in order to improve the performance of the management of the public institution.
The expected results are:
1. Strategy for economic and social development of Vrancea county for the period 2021-2027;
2. 100 persons professionally trained by taking part in the courses;
3. Public communication strategy at Vrancea county level;
4. IT system for digitizing the processes of document management, communication and electronic information processing at the level of the Vrancea County Council;
5. Electronic archive of Vrancea County Council.
The implementation period of the project is 18 months, respectively between 16.06.2020 and 16.12.2021.
Beneficiary: Territorial administrative unit Vrancea County, boulevard Dimitrie Cantemir str. 1, Focșani city, Vrancea County, postal code: 620098, Romania,
Tel: 0237.213.057
E-mail: contact@cjvrancea.ro
Contact person: Oanele Luminita – project Manager
Project co – financed by the European Social Fund through
Administrative Capacity Operational Program 2014-2020!!
