The consultative council for youth problems is a consultative structure for youth issues, without legal personality, and works with the Vrancea County Council, based on the provisions of art. 3, art. 4 and art. 10 par. (1), (3) of the Youth Law no. 350/2006. It carries out its activity based on the Decision of Vrancea County Council no. 83/31 May 2017 and in accordance with the applicable national and European legislation.
The consultative council for youth problems is the consultative forum for the Vrancea County Council, which operates on the basis of the structured dialogue regarding the elaboration and monitoring of the implementation of public policies in the field of youth at the county level.
The CCPT may include representatives of youth structures operating at Vrancea County level.
The main areas of work covered by the CCPT are: culture, education – youth, employment and entrepreneurship, participation in volunteering, sports, health and the environment.