General Direction for Social Assistance and Child Protection Vrancea
General Direction for Social Assistance and Child Protection Vrancea is the main public provider of specialized social services at county level, a public institution of county interest, with legal personality, subordinated to the deliberative public authority, established by the Decision of the Vrancea County Council no. 115 / 23.12.2004 and has the role of ensuring, at the level of the entire county, the implementation of social assistance policies, measures and strategies in the field of child, family, alone people, elderly, disabled, as well as any other persons in need.
The provision of adequate assistance services that respond both qualitatively and quantitatively to growing and increasingly complex social needs of the population is a challenge for any institution.
The main services/ activities provided according to the quality standards are addressed to:
– children who were abused, neglected, exploited or subjected to any other forms of violence,
– children at risk of school dropout,
– children temporarily or permanently separated from their families,
– children at risk of family separation,
– adults and children with disabilities,
– disadvantaged, marginalized, discriminated people,
– the elderly,
– victims of domestic violence, aggressors,
– single people and families in difficulty.
In accordance with the statutory tasks, the General Direction for Social Assistance and Child Protection Vrancea is organized on different structures, depending on the specific activities and the particular needs of each category of beneficiaries in order to meet the social and special needs, individual, family or group, to overcome situations of difficulty, to prevent and combat the risk of social exclusion, to promote social inclusion and to increase the quality of life.
D.G.A.S.P.C. Vrancea offers a wide range of social services:
– social services with accommodation in residential structures,
– social services at the beneficiary’s home, at the person / family substitute, in the professional nursing assistant, in the community;
– day social services.
Social services are provided by D.G.A.S.P.C. Vrancea both within its own apparatus and its subordinate structures.
The activity of the General Direction for Social Assistance and Child Protection Vrancea was organized in accordance with the actual legislation in the field of protection and promotion of the rights of children and adults with disabilities or in difficulty, in compliance with the mandatory minimum standards implemented on the basis of normative acts, and by the Decision of the Vrancea County Council, the state of functions and the organizational chart were approved, having the following organizational structure:
Child Protection Direction, to coordinate the work of public social assistance services for the child and the family;
The Direction for the Protection of Persons with Disabilities and Vulnerable Persons, in order to coordinate the activity of public social assistance services for adults and / or disabled persons;
Legal, Contentious and Public Relations Department;
Economic and Human Resources Departmente;
Adoption Bureau.
Audit compartment.
Address: Focşani, Bd. Garii, nr. 13, cod postal 620104
Open in Google Maps
Director general: Daniela Nicolaș
Director general adj. Protecția Copilului: Luminiţa Liciu
Director general adj. Direcția Protecția Persoanelor cu Dizabilități si Alte Persoane Vulnerabile: Ionica Marinela Ghețu