Vrancea Vineyards Road
The Territorial Administrative Unit of Vrancea County implemented the project “Vrancea Vineyards Road”, code SMIS 28794, financed under the Regional Operational Program 2007-2013, Priority Axis 5 – “Sustainable Development and Promotion of Tourism”, Major Domain, between 9 November 2012 and 8 November 2013 Intervention 5.3 – “Promotion of the tourist potential and creation of the necessary infrastructure in order to increase the attractiveness of Romania as a tourist destination”, Operation – “Development and consolidation of domestic tourism by supporting the promotion of specific products and specific marketing activities”.
The contract was concluded between the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism, as Managing Authority for the Regional Operational Program 2007-2013 and the Territorial Administrative Unit of Vrancea County, as beneficiary. The Intermediate authority for Tourism is the Tourism Funds Management Department of the National Tourism Authority.
The general objective of the project was to increase the importance of tourism as a factor stimulating economic development in the Vrancea County and the South-Eastern region by promoting tourism products specific to the wine-growing area of the county.
The objectives of the project were:
– increasing the attractiveness of the area cultivated with vines as a tourist destination, by locating the specific tourist products;
– improving the specific tourist promotion of the 11 wine-growing towns included in the project by using methods adapted to the tourism market;
– increasing the tourist circulation, by organizing events promoting the traditional craftsmanship of the wine production.
In order to achieve the objectives of the project, the following activities were carried out:
– there were mounted 10 tourist product promotion boards, on which a tourist map has been printed, which symbolized the tourist objectives in the promoted areas;
– Three specific events were organized during three days in Cotesti, Odobeşti, Panciu;
– 9 stands located at event venues
– a TV spot was produced and broadcast at two national TV stations;
– a presentation movie was produced that was multiplied in 3000 DVDs;
– The following promotional materials were designed, edited and disseminated: 3,000 leaflets, 3,000 tourist maps, 100 promotion albums, 100 posters, 8 banners;
– 4 press releases published in the media to promote project activities and organized events;
-3 press conferences organized for the launch of activities and for the presentation of specific product promotion events;
– the project site www.podgoriivrancene.ro was created
– 6 jobs were maintained in the project.
Through the implementation of the project, the traditional craftsmanship of the wine production and of the main tourist attractions in Panciu, Ţifeşti, Odobeşti, Jariştea, Boloteşti, Coteşti, Vîrteşcoiu, Cîrligele, Urecheşti, Tîmboieşti, Dumbrăveni was highlighted with the impact on the development of viticultural tourism, job creation and the transformation of townships on the “Vrancea Vineyard Road” route into preferred tourist destinations.
The total value of the project was 617,249.59 lei, of which the total eligible value of the project was 468,098 lei, the eligible non-reimbursable amount from the European Regional Development Fund was 423,020.16 lei, the eligible non-reimbursable amount from the national budget was 31,034.90 and co-financing of the beneficiary was 14,042, 94 lei.