Tourism for Vrancea
The Vrancea Tourism Project, implemented by the Vrancea County Council between 17.02.2011 – 17.06.2013 and financed by the Regional Operational Program 2007-2013. The general objective of the project was to increase the importance of tourism as a factor which stimulates economic development by promoting tourism products specific to the mountainous area of the county (natural and anthropic resources) in Boloteşti, Vidra, Valea Sării, Năruja, Paltin, Spulber, Vrîncioaia, Nistoreşti, Nereju, Birsseşti, Negrileşti and Tulnici. The total value of the project was 590 604.96 lei.
In the post-implementation period, the Vrancea County Council maintained the project’s sustainability activities, re-editing the promotional materials, maintaining the website created by the project, posting the online banner on tourist promotion sites and annually participating in the organization of the 21st event from Negrileşti.
The implementation of the “Vrancea Turistica”-Tourism for Vrancea project has gone into a complex promotional program which has increased and will continue to increase the visibility of the mountain area of the county and to attract tourists to the cradle of the Vrancea’s folk art.