The arrangement of the ”Crâng Petrești” (Petrești Grove) natural area of local interest and improvement of the access infrastructure
The partnership between the Territorial Administrative Unit of Vrancea County, the Territorial Administrative Unit of Focșani Municipality and Territorial Administrativ Unit of Vânători commune, run and represented by the Territorial Administrative Unit of Vrancea County, announces the completion of the project “Arrangement of the local area of interest” Crâng Petreşti “and the improvement of the access infrastructure, financed through the Regional Operational Program 2007-2013, Priority Axis 5 – “Sustainable Development and Promotion of Tourism”, Field of intervention 5.2: “Creation, development, modernization of tourism infrastructure for capitalizing on natural resources and increasing the quality of tourism services”.
The financing contract was concluded on 15.06.2015 between the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration as Managing Authority for the Regional Operational Program 2007 – 2013 through the South East Regional Development Agency, as an Intermediary for the The Regional Operational Program 2007-2013 and the Partnership between the Territorial Administrative Unit of Vrancea County, the Territorial Administrative Unit of Focșani Municipality and the Territorial Administrative Unit of Vânători commune, headed and represented by the Territorial Administrative Unit of Vrancea County, as beneficiaries.
The general objective of the project is to capitalize on natural resources and to increase the quality of tourism services by creating and modernizing the public utility infrastructure in Vrancea County.
– Construction of a circuit for pedestrian and bicycle traffic in the area of Focşani – Petreşti Grove, at a distance of 5,8 km, by creating bicycle paths and sidewalks that will be used for practicing outdoor sports;
– Arranging the Petreşti Grove through the creation of inner alleys, promenade spaces, places for resting and observation;
– Providing the new infrastructure with urban furniture (garbage bins, fencing, etc.);
– Providing the Petreşti Grove with surveillance equipment in order to increase the safety of the tourists;
– Creating and rehabilitating the utilities infrastructure both in the Grove and along the access road from Focșani.
Following the implementation of the project, the following results were obtained:
– total area of 480 500 sqm;
– DC 144 rehabilitation crossing Petreşti Grove, with a length of 1,235.00 ml;
– building of parking lots: 208;
– building bicycle and jogging tracks: 6,500 ml;
– pavement construction: 7.300 ml;
– scientific information center: 1;
– building inner alleys: 4.700 ml;
– building sanitary groups;
– urban furniture and video surveillance system for the entire perimeter arranged;
– creation of five permanent jobs – one administrator of Petreşti Grove and 4 employees responsible for sanitation and security.
Target group: Local population and tourists from Vrancea County and neighboring counties.
Through the proposed objective and the results obtained from the implementation, the project “Arrangement of the natural area of local interest Petreşti Grove and the improvement of the access infrastructure” contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Main Field of Intervention 5.2. “Exploitation of natural resources for tourism purposes”. The investment is a nucleus for tourism development, services and revitalization of the local economy, one of the immediate implications of implementing such a project being the development of services and constructions, increasing the safety of tourists in the area, elements that in time will be reflected in the growth quality and living standards for the local population.
The project duration was 24 months and 16 days, starting June 16, 2015.
The total value of the project is 21 228 419.25 lei (of which the eligible total value of the project is 5 804 240,98 lei), the requested non-reimbursable financial assistance is 5 690 432,34 lei (of which the eligible non-reimbursable amount ERDF is 5 256 252,36 lei, the eligible non-reimbursable amount from the national budget is 434 179,98 lei) and the eligible co-financing of the beneficiary is 113 808,64 lei. The contribution of the applicant to the ineligible value, including VAT, is 15 537 986,91 lei.
Beneficiary: The partnership between the Territorial Administrative Unit of Vrancea County, the Territorial Administrative Unit of Focsani Municipality and the Territorial Administrative Unit of Vânători commune, run and represented by the Territorial Administrative Unit of Vrancea County
The project was completed on June 30, 2017, the date it entered into the sustainability period.