Modernization of the school center for inclusive education “Elena Doamna” Focsani
Funding Source: Regional Operational Programme 2007 – 2013, Priority Axis 3: Improvement of social infrastructure, Field of Intervention 3.4 – ” Rehabilitation, modernisation, development and equipping of pre-university education and continuous vocational training infrastructure”, SMIS code 3526.
– Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism as Managing Authority (MA) for the Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013;
– South-East Regional Development Agency as the Intermediate Body (OI) for the Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013;
– Vrancea County Council as beneficiary.
Implementation period: 12.02.2009 – 12.02.2015
The main objective of the project was to improve the school center for inclusive education “Elena Doamna” Focsani facilities, in order to provide an instructive-educational process adapted to the specific needs of children with hearing and speech disorders according to the European standards.
Through the implementation of the project, the conditions for study, accommodation, leisure time for 304 children with hearing and speech disorders and the teaching conditions for 87 teachers employed within the Center were improved. The provision of modern IT, didactic equipment, professional training and the use of educational software in the educational process has increased the quality of educational services provided to pupils with speech disorders.