Information and communication technology for career counseling
The project of 125,545 euros approx. 564,952.5 lei was deposited on 30 April 2014 under the ERASMUS + Program.
The implementation period of the project was 01.09.2014 – 31.08.2016, the Vrancea County Resource and Educational Assistance Center, being the leader within the project. The selected partners within the project are: Vrancea County Council, Vrancea Education Alternative Association, European Association for Career Guidance (Cyprus), Com2go Ltd (Cyprus), Izglitibas Inovaciju Parneses Centrs (Education Innovation Transfer Center – Latvia).
The purpose of the project: the institutional development of the Vrancea County Resource and Education Center through the exchange of experience and expertise with international partners and the development of the career counseling services provided by the institution.
The objectives of the project were to develop an online platform for career counseling for students; developing open educational resources used by school counselors in career counseling for pupils in the county; developing specific career guidance documents: career guidance guide, specific curriculum, methodology for carrying out career counseling activities; developing digital self-assessment tools that students can use in career guidance and career guidance and human resource development of all partner institutions by participating in joint training programs.
The financing contract was signed in November 2014 and the project is currently in the sustainability period.