Energy rehabilitation and related works CENTER DGASPC – VN- Petrești village, Vînatori commune, Cod MySMIS 118524

The project is funded under the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020, Priority Axis 3: Supporting the transition to a low carbon economy, Investment Priority 3.1: Supporting energy efficiency, smart energy management and energy use from renewable sources in infrastructures operations, including in public buildings and the housing sector, Operation B: Public buildings.
The total value of the financing contract is 10.558.393,68 lei, of which: the total eligible value 7.446.337,58 lei, the eligible value non-reimbursable from the European Regional Development Fund 6.329.386,94 lei, the eligible value non-reimbursable from the national budget 968.023.89 lei and the amount of the eligible co-financing of the Beneficiary 148.926.75 lei.
General objective of the project / Purpose of the project
The general objective of the project is to increase the energy efficiency in the public building DGASPC Center by carrying out intervention works with the purpose of thermal insulation of the building and modernization of the installation and distribution of the thermal agent and of the hot water, including the use of renewable sources to ensure the energy needs, as well as other related works.
Through this project, specific activities will be supported for investments to increase the energy efficiency of public buildings, respectively:
Thermal rehabilitation works of the building envelope
- Thermal insulation of the facade – opaque part, with thermal insulation system located outside with a thickness of 20 cm;
- Thermal insulation of exterior walls architectural elements and consoles with thermal insulation system located outside with a thickness of 10 cm;
- Thermal insulation of the exterior walls – on the side area of the building – with insulation system located inside with a thickness of 10 cm;
- Thermal insulation of the facade – the glazed part, by replacing the existing exterior carpentry / glass, including the one related to the access to the building, with thermal insulating carpentry to improve the energy performance of the glazed part, carpentry equipped with devices / slots / grilles for controlled ventilation and spa avoidance of condensation on the tire elements;
- Thermal insulation of the slab over the last level in the case of the existence of the snake, with a thermal insulation system with a thickness of 25 cm;
- Thermo-waterproofing of the terrace with a thermal insulation system with a thickness of 25 cm;
Thermal rehabilitation works of the heating system / of the hot water supply system
- Replacement of own boiler, in order to increase efficiency and reduce CO2 equivalent emissions;
- Replacement of heating bodies with radiators;
- Replacement of the heating agent distribution system;
- Replacing the heating system distribution system for hot water
Installation of alternative systems for the production of electricity and / or thermal energy for own consumption
- Installation of alternative energy production systems: biomass plants, in order to reduce energy consumption from conventional sources and greenhouse gas emissions, etc.;
- Installation of alternative energy production systems: decentralized energy supply systems from renewable energy sources, installations with solar thermal collectors, in order to reduce energy consumption from conventional sources and greenhouse gas emissions, etc.
Rehabilitation / modernization of the lighting installation in buildings
- Rehabilitation of the lighting system
- Replacement of fluorescent and incandescent luminaires with luminaires with high energy efficiency and long service life.
- Related works
Specific objectives of the project
The specific objective of the project is to reduce the annual heating consumption for heating in the thermally insulated building of the DGASPC Center to values below 123 kWh / sqm / year and to reduce the energy consumption for heating by a minimum of 40%.
By applying the package of maximum measures within the Energy Audit Report, the solution no. 2 taken over in DALI, it is intended to reduce the thermal energy consumption for heating the spaces from 218.20 kWh / m2 / year to 40.25 kWh / m2 / year. Thus, the values recorded for the specific annual consumption of primary energy and the specific annual level of CO2 equivalent emissions will be, within the intervention, below the values imposed by the guide for the reference year 2016: below 135 KWh / sqm / year for primary energy (72, 32 kWh / m2 / year) and below 37 Kg / m2 / year for CO2 emissions (11.42 kg / CO2 / man, 40.03 equiv to CO2 / year). The proposed measures show that the energy produced from renewable sources reaches a level of 31.31% of the total primary energy consumption at the building level.
By increasing the energy performance of the public building, in the short and medium term, the local public authority is relieved of the expenses with the conventional fuel used, the expenses with the maintenance of the building are reduced, the support of the economic agents in the field of construction is ensured and new jobs are created during the period to carry out the intervention.
The target group is represented by children with disabilities – 150 children / young people with disabilities, which requires a wide range of activities for recovery purposes such as recreation, socializing, leisure, sports, cultural, etc.
Families of children with disabilities – 100 families / carers of children with disabilities, who will benefit from recovery within the center as well as those working within the center will benefit directly from the thermal rehabilitation work to be carried out.
The implementation period of the project: 14.06.2017 – 31.12.2023.
Beneficiary: Vrancea County Territorial Administrative Unit, having its headquarters in str. Bd. Dimitrie Cantemir, no. 1, place. Focşani, Vrancea county, postal code: 620098, Romania.
Phone: 0237.213.057
E-mail: contact@cjvrancea.ro
Contact person: Catană Viorel – Project manager
For further information about the other programs co-financed by the European Union, we invite you to visit www.fonduri-ue.ro www.inforegio.ro facebook.com/inforegio.ro.
Investim în viitorul tău! Proiect cofinanțat din Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională prin Programul Operațional Regional 2014-2020
www.inforegio.ro | facebook.com/inforegio.ro
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