ASPIR – Access to Public Services for Roma Integration in Vrancea County
The project was submitted on 19 May 2014 and was financed from 100% Norwegian funds.
Vrancea County through the Vrancea County Council as a partner submitted as part of the RO10 Program “Children and young people in risky situations and local and regional initiatives to reduce national inequalities and promote social inclusion” financed through the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism EEA Grants) 2009-2014, the COERENT call, the project “ASPIR – Access to Public Services for Roma Integration in Vrancea County”.
The objectives of the project consisted in the elaboration and implementation at county level of coherent measures to combat inequality, discrimination and marginalization of the Roma population through the cooperation between the local authorities and civil society; Establishing effective partnership relations between representatives of local authorities, school units, representatives of public services and Non-Guvernamental Organisation, the Roma population, especially within the territorial administrative units where the percentage of the Roma population is significant; developing the skills and expertise of professionals involved in social inclusion through training programs and networking activities.
The location of the project was Vrancea County, in particular Adjud, Mărăşeşti, Slobozia Bradului, Tâmboieşti, Chiojdeni, Homocea, Ciorăşti, Sihlea, Pufeşti, Vulturu, Bordeşti, Răcoasa, Suraia, Tulnici and Măicăneşti.
The project promoter was the Vrancea County Resource and Educational Assistance Center, the Vrancea County Council having, together with an Non-Guvernamental Organisation from the Intercultural Iceland donor states, the quality of partner.
The project was completed in April 2016 and is currently in the sustainability phase.