Vrancea Museum
The beginnings of Vrancea’s museum can be found in the creation, in 1928, of a nucleus within “Unirea” High school from Focşani. The initiative of creating it was of the high school’s principle from that time, Professor Alexandru Georgiade. The initial funds were gathered further to a conference of Professor Alexandru P. Arbore – “Ethnographic debts of the present” – that took place in the hall of the Theatre “Major Gh. Pastia” from the locality.
With the support of the high school’s teachers: Alexandru P. Arbore, N. AL. Rădulescu, Ion Diaconu, the museum’s collection was enriched with new goods: archeologic, ethnographic, memorial.
In 1931, in September, in Focsani took place the Cultural League Congress, which in that year was celebrating 40 years of existence. The League’s local committee has delegated Professor N. Al. Rădulescu to organize a museum on this occasion. Thus was created Putna’s Regional Museum that was sheltered in the high school’s principal house, in three rooms.
In the same year, still in Focsani, took place the Congress of the geography teachers under the presidency of Simion Mehedinţi, who has donated the museum 100.000 lei for organizing an ethnographic exhibition that became permanent.
In 1951, through a decision of the administrative bodies from that time, was created, as distinct institution in the cultural landscape, the Museum of History and Ethnography. After an intense campaign of accumulating materials for the museum (in particular ethnographic) a mixed exhibition has been organized on n. 6, Garii Blvd. In its patrimony entered also some pieces from the patrimony of Putna Regional Museum.
Once the building from n. 6, Garii Blvd. and the archeologic material resulted from the archaeological researches performed in certain points of the county (Cândeşti, Bârseşti) entered the museum’s patrimony, a permanent exhibition of archaeology and history succeeded to be opened in this area. The other building has been intended for an ethnography exhibition.
In 1966, in the former building in which functioned the Central Commission from Focşani after the Union of the Romanian Principalities was created the Museum of the Union, in fact a photo-documentary exhibition of several objects borrowed from the museum from Iasi, Galati and Ploiesti.
Between 1972 – 1974 all the basic exhibitions of the museum from Focsani were reorganized, further to an intense activity of research, documentation and enriching the museum’s patrimony through acquisitions and donations. In the other two buildings were reorganized the basic exhibitions on the basis of historical eras: old history and archaeology, middle age, modern and contemporary history.
Still now the museum has received another building, the one from n. 8, Garii Blvd, in which, in 1979, was inaugurated an ample ethnographic exhibition structured on the presentation of the traditional occupations (shepherding, wheelwright, viticulture, artistic crafts) of the inhabitants from Vrancea, of Vrancea’s traditional outfit and the home-woven textiles.
In 1979 becomes County Museum Complex together with the Museum of Nature Sciences from Focsani. Within it operated the Office for National Cultural Patrimony Vrancea, created in 1974.
Since 1994, with the Decision n. 13 from the 28th of September, the county institution Vrancea Museum was created. In the same year, with the Decision n. 4229 of the County Popular Council, the following entered in the administration of Vrancea Museum: the Mausoleums from Marasesti, Marasti, Soveja, the Memorial Museum “Al. Vlahuta” from Dragosloveni and the Memorial House “Ioan Roata” from Campuri.
For a period of four decades since its creation, the museum is developing itself also by the number of specialists, as well as by number of testimonies (archaeological, ethnographic, memorial etc.) that entered the museum’s patrimony. Its ascended development, the richness of the patrimony, the increased number of specialists, the professionalism proved by the activity of research and capitalization of the local and national history have made the museum from Vrancea the most significant and outstanding cultural institution from Vrancea.
Vrancea Museum holds nowadays a rich inventory formed of over 20.000 archaeological, historical, memorial, ethnographic, numismatic goods and over 53.959 goods of nature science.
Today, in the museum’s structure enter: the Department of History, the Union Museum, the Department for Nature Sciences, the Department of Ethnography from Crang Petresti, the mausoleums and museums from Focsani, Marasesti, Marasti and Soveja, the Memorial Museum “Al. Vlahuta” from Dragosloveni, the Memorial House “Ion Roata” from Campuri and the Mixt Municipal Museum from Adjud. The museum’s basic exhibitions have met many reorganizations, some of them imposed also by the damages provoked by the earthquakes from 1977, 1986 and 1990.
The Museum’s History Department functions in a building of patrimony situated in Focsani, n.1, Garii Blvd.
Since 2004, it presents a basic exhibition reorganized in a thematic and aesthetic form, able to reflect scientifically and suggestively the entire evolution of the human society from the oldest ages till the first half of the 20th century, reorganization which was necessary, related to the exhibition principles and the present requirements of museology.
The exhibition segment affected by the historical eras: prehistory, ancientry, middle age was focused on the results of the researchers and the archeologic discoveries from the settlements and necropolises from Cândeşti, Coroteni, Mănăstioara, Pădureni, Câmpineanca, Mera, Bordeşti. Illustrative objects for occupations, crafts, as well as ceramic pieces and cult objects were exhibited, this fact offering the exhibition a scientific and documentary value. The place and role of the Orthodox Church in the live, the permanency and the continuity of the Romanians occupy an important place in the exhibition by presenting the cult monuments from Vrancea, the cultural and spiritual creations of a real artistic and documentary value (Mera Monastery, Bordesti Monastery, the activity of Metropolitan Varlaam).
UNIRI MUSEUM functions in the building “Old Post” from n. 30, Republicii Street. After peregrinations in many exhibition spaces, starting with 1966, in the building of Central Commission from Focsani (1859-1862) then, between 1968-1999, in one of the buildings from Garii Boulevard, which is under the administration of Vrancea Museum, started the discussions for renovating and restoring the building “Vama Veche”, architectural and historic monument from the first half of the 19th century, round which gravitated the main events from the years of the Union of the Principalities from Focsani (1859 – 1866).
Since March 1999 started the renovation of the building “Vama Veche”, where the border landmark, inaugurated by Nicolae Iorga on 13 September 1931, was located.
Being built in the first half of the 19th Century (the end of the 18th Century), the building “Old Post”, name with which it entered the city’s memory, remains one of the oldest and rarest constructions that is still preserved in the city of Focsani.
Besides the architectural value, through its destination and the development of the historical moments from the decades 6-7 of the same century, the building has gained also a special value from a historical, documentary, cultural and social point of view. The entire series of events from the Union epoch, starting with the historical act from the 24th of January 1859 and ending with the unification of the town of Focsani, can be found, as resonance, in the history of this building. Thus, the single and most eloquent capitalization of this building remains the organization, in its interior space, of the Union Museum from Focsani, cultural institution representative and compulsory for reflecting the historical past of the city of the Union.
Throughout history, having a defining feature, unique and particular on the country’s map, its setting on the border from Milcov river between Moldova and Tara Romaneasca, through the enthusiastic involvement of its inhabitants in the events from the half of the 19th Century – the Romanian revolution from 1848 and the Union of the Romanian Principalities from 1859 – through the durability of the national feeling, set on the foundation of the facts and manifestations that happened here, the city of Focsani has inlaid on its frontispiece the symbol with which it crossed and will cross the centuries – the one of the City of the Union.
In a city with a historical past rich in significances, whose resonances strongly vibrate in the conscious of the present, the existence and the organization of a Museum of the Union have become a duty, an obligation, as well as the concrete way in which was about to express the appreciation of the ancestors, creators of a national Romanian state.
Starting from these essential commandments for the local tradition and culture, benefiting from the existence of a building of national patrimony with special architectural and historical valences, set in a place where were developed the most emotional events of the years of the Principalities Union, Vrancea County Council has initiated and financed the restoration of the former Hotel “Cimbru”, from the years 1856 – 1862, “Old Post” from later on, establishing also its destination as Museum of the Union.
Being located at the border, near one of the most important customs points of the town, the building completes its historical value also with the events that happened in its perimeter between years 1859 and 1862.
Here, the entire city has celebrated the historical act from 24th of January 1859 in a “high enthusiasm” and with an “immense joy”, as the documents from that time were saying.
On the occasion of his first visit through Focsani, on the 5th of February 1859, the ruler of the Union, Alexandru Iona Cuza, enjoyed the most beautiful and enthusiastic reception on its way from Iasi to Bucharest.
In this building, between 1859 and 1862, were hosted political personalities of the time, the members of the Central Commission, Mihail Kogălniceanu, Vasile Melinescu, Nicolae Golescu, Nicolae Suţu and others.
Here, when finding the news that the ruler Alexandru Ioan Cuza has signed the Decree of Unification of the city of Focsani (10th of July 1862), the inhabitants of the entire city, young and old, gathered in front of the building and “destroyed the first border for the national unity”.
By restoring the building, by giving back its importance and significance for local history, the County Council gave the Union Museum the most expressive and representative value of its heritage.
The exhibition opens with a first group of documentary, journalistic and museum testimonies, which illustrates the strong expression during the Revolution of 1848 of the Romanians’ desire to unite Moldavia, Tara Romaneasca and Transylvania. Then, in June 1848, the celebration of the Revolutionary Constitution Day ended with the emotional wish of the people from Focşani: “Long live United Romania!”.
Through original documents, publications and photographs, objects and testimonies of the museums, the years 1856 – 1859, of decisive and effervescent struggle for the Union of the Romanian Principalities, regained their glory. It outlines and emphasizes the place and role of the Unionist Committees, is recomposed the atmosphere of elections for ad – hoc assemblies, the atmosphere of their meetings, the debated issue and, in particular, the strong expression of the main objective – Unification of the Romanian Principalities. Naturally, the personality and activity of the legendary deputy from Putna in the ad – hoc Assembly of Moldova, Ioan Roata from Câmpuri – Vrancea takes its right place in the exhibition.
The election of Mihail Kogalniceanu as deputy of the city of Focsani in the Elective Assembly of Moldova, in December 1858, the enthusiasm of the celebration days from 5 and 24 of January 1859, the days of the election of Alexandru Ioan Cuza as Ruler of Moldova and Tara Romaneasca, are constituted in undeniable truths of the uplifting national consciousness of the inhabitants of Focşani.
The documents and publications related to the reign of Alexandru Ioan Cuza, to the reforms of the time, to the consolidation of the unitary national state of Romania, the objects belonging to the family, the paintings and lithographies of the epoch recompose and render the brilliance of the image of the first Lord of modern Romania.
Through the museum values exhibited, the documents, the objects, the publications, the photos, the museum’s exhibition is approaching the reality of the years 1859 – 1862, when the inhabitants of Focsani were proud of the fact that their city host the Central Commission, that here was thought and laid the legislative foundations of the young modern Romanian State.
The original documents of the central Commission, the Protocols of its meetings and the Project of the Constitution elaborated by Mihail Kogalniceanu give a suggestive note of the importance for the evolution of the Romanian state on the road of modernization of the Central Commission in Focşani.
The existent museum patrimony brings back and places on the proper places in the national history the unionist militants from Focsani Gheorghe Apostoleanu and Dimitrie Dăscălescu.
In organizing the basic exhibition of the Union Museum, having as main idea the place and role of Focsani in the development of the events of the years 1848-1866, for understanding and reflecting as close as possible of the image of the historical time as it was, were conceived and realized, as integrated parts, three exhibitions in the adjoining rooms, axed on three distinct themes, each of them with their own significance.
As Vrancea Museum has in its collections a rich heritage regarding the great personalities of culture, science and national political life, these reflecting not only the environment in which they lived, but also the respective epoch, their inclusion in the exhibition space of the Union Museum became necessary, beneficial and obligatory.
In the first room, the atmosphere of the epoch, the social and economic environment are realized by exhibiting some objects, furniture of interior, of household, of outfit, picture, decorative art. Belonging to families Zamfirescu, Mincu, Longinescu, besides their artistic, aesthetic, documentary value, they have a certain memorialist value.
Reflecting their belonging to the European culture, bearing traits or influences from the French, Italian or German culture, these testimonies prove to a great extent the enrolment of Romanian civilization in the Western European space.
Are exhibited furnitures from the house of writer Duiliu Zamfirescu from Faraoane, objects from its interior, objects of decorative art of his daughter, Henriette Allievi, the diplomat outfit of Duiliu Zamfirescu, the portraits of Maria Mincu, mother of architect Ion Mincu and Henrietta Zamfirescu made by painter George Demetrescu Mirea, furniture and decorative art belonging to Longiescu family and to Gheorghe Apostoleanu.
The second room reunites furniture, fabrics, icons, paintings of the epoch, with artistic features of a Romanian style, greatly influenced by the values of the popular art that dominated, in parallel with the occidental style, the Romanian social, economic and cultural environment from the second half of the 19th Century.
The furniture that belonged to the house of Zamfirescu family from Varestcoiu, the other interior objects, bearing the same features of the time, originating from Focsani and Odobesti, are valuable due to their documentary content, regarding the mentality of the time, the aspect of and inhabiting space specific to the middle class of the time.
Of particular historical and documentary significance is the reconstruction of a pharmaceutical office from Focsani from the middle of the 19th century.
There are exhibited pieces of furniture, containers, laboratory parts, pottery and metal vessels, presses, balances, mills, laboratory glassware etc.
By their age and rarity, by their provenance from the oldest pharmacies from Focsani, founded in the decades 4-6 of the 19th century (Oravetz and Huzum), by their documentary value as such, these testimonies belong both to the local and national history patrimony.
As a cultural and historical significance, the Union Museum, through the testimonies presented, is one of the incontestable and expressive arguments of historical truth synthesized in the phrase Focsani – Union City, joining the other Cities of the Union: Iaşi, Bucharest, Cernăuţi, Chişinău and Alba Iulia.
Could we ever imagine the Romanian culture without the gorgeous ballad „Mioriţa”, picked by Alecu Russo from the shepherds of Vrancea Mountains? Always, Vrancea and the inhabitants of these places have been there when the History was written.
A history in which we must say that the Romanians have had then, as they have now, leaders that are questioned by some, but supported and loved by the most. And when the community elected you to represent their ideals and supports you in everything that you are doing, you will find the power to overpass any obstacle that stands in your way.
After its inauguration in 2008, Union Museum became host of many cultural and scientific events of a national and county level.
In this space full of history, of suggestive reflection of Focsani – Symbol City of the Union – in the retrospective mirror of time, with testimonies that became arguments of a new historical truth, the scientific research and the contemporary historiography, through its brilliant exponents, found the breath and the vibration of the present at the reunion with the tantrums, the deed and the conscience of the forerunners. They have left us as heritage a Country with its multi-century ideals fulfilled in the middle of the nineteenth century and in the early decades of the twentieth century.
The ethnographic section of “Crâng Petreşti” (Petrești Grove) was inaugurated in 1978, as a cultural necessity of great importance for preserving and capitalizing the ethnographic patrimony of Vrancea County – ancient cradle and wonderful traditions, th core of local political formation – with tumultuous history, which provided in the past and stil provides clear evidence of life and culture.
Through its structure, the Ethnographic Section was thought of as a local village with its typical. Set in the natural environment of the Petreşti Grove (Crâng Petrești), the section comprises 73 authentic constructions grouped in 32 complexes with over 6,000 different objects. It is structured on two sectors: peasant installations and households (mills, saws) and constructions of public interest (school, town hall).
The households were presented on different geographic areas: mountain, hills and plain mountainous areas and on traditional types (wooden mountain houses with pillars or houses representatives for the plain area, covered with reed or thatch).
The interiors of these households include a variety of pieces with specific ornamentation, rich and impressive by its force of expression and natural coloring. A common feature of the exhibited objects is the harmonious blending of the functional side with the aesthetic and artistic side.
Through the Ethnographic Section of “Crâng Petreşti” (Petrești Grove), we can say that Vrancea reveals to the human eye pictures of myoritic quintessence.
Natural Science Section
Scientific heritage
The scientific patrimony preserves 53,959 pieces, of which are representative the insect collection with 14,158 specimens, the mollusc collection with 3,817 specimens, the ornithology collection comprising 2,299 naturalized birds together with 64 nests and 480 eggs, the collection of plants with over 10,625 boards. Specimens from other systematic groups along with collections of geology and paleontology complete the patrimony of the Department of Natural Sciences. We are especially attracted by the unique pieces of scientific and documentary value, appreciable as age: two fragments of the ferruginous meteorite sent by the Academy of Sciences of the former Soviet Union and collected at Sikhote – Alinsky on February 12, 1947; two fragments of frontal bone with horns belonging to the species Bos primigenius, discovered in the 1970s and 1975s in the communes Câmpuri and Homocea in Vrancea County; a Graminee herbarium which was a donation from Hungary, dating back to 1900s; of scientific interest – regarding insects, are the researches and studies conducted by Professor Carol Nagler on the Panorpidae family, with the description of three holotis.
Period 1932 – 1989
At the initiative and under direct coordination of Professor Anghel Bardan, in 1932 was founded, in Focsani, the Museum of Natural Sciences.
The pieces that constituted the basic exhibition were collected and preserved by Professor Bardan, belonging to his personal collection. He was permanently concerned for the development and enrichment of the inheritage with new pieces, becoming the director of the institution between 1950 and 1961, when he retired. The museum functioned as an independent institution with legal personality, until 1979. In 1980 the Museum of Natural Sciences became a section within the newly formed Vrancea County Museum, the in which it still works in the present time.
Several events have interrupted the course of the museum’s functioning and development, and substantial efforts were needed to recommence its work.
In the first decade of of the Museum existance, the earthquake of November 10th, 1940, destroyed the work of Professor Bardan, and all exhibits and the collection of formalin preparations and naturalized pieces were affected. There were recovered as much as possible under the rubble of the demolished building. Through hard work, the Proffessor found the strength to rebuild the exhibition, enriching it with new specimens.
Since 1961, the management of the museum has been taken over by Professor Carol Nagler, a graduate of the Faculty of Biology in Iasi. Between 1965 and 1968, the museum is closed to reorganize and refurbish the basic exhibition, according to the new museum exposure requirements. In 1968, the Museum of Natural Sciences opens a new branch in the city of Adjud.
In 1972, the scientific inventory contained a collection of plants and animals (insects, molluscs, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals) of 27,860 copies. Along with these preserved pieces, the zoo housed 45 live animals, belonging to 18 species. The museum functioned in two places with more than 18 rooms, where were arranged for visiting 21 dioramas presenting the flora and fauna of Vrancea county. In the courtyard of the two buildings there were dependencies arranged as laboratories, warehouses and storages necessary for the research and preservation of the biological material.
As a result of the demolition of the two buildings in 1980, the Department of Natural Sciences was moved and functioned in the Exhibition Pavilion of Crâng Petreşti (Petrești Grove), in a limitary space for the existing patrimony and under microclimatic conditions unproper for organic parts until 1985.
Since 1985, when the Vrancea Museum was established on the no.35, Cuza Voda Street, the Department of Natural Sciences returned to Focsani. The concern for the restoration and preservation of natural heritage made it possible the organize of a new permanent exhibition, as well as enriching the collections with new pieces obtained from donations or purchases.
Period 1989 – 2015
Furthermore, the current management of the Vrancea Museum organized two permanent exhibitions in the area of the ground floor: “Hunting and trophy hunting” and “The wonderful bird world”.
The exhibition “Hunting and trophy hunting” presents awarded hunting trophies, which belonged to Nicolae Ceausescu’s hunting collection from Scroviştea: Carpathian deer awarded with gold medal at Pralea (1982), Bear fur trophy awarded with gold medal at Cuşma (1988), but also a trophy awarded with bronze in the same year at Bratovoieşti. There are also exhibited naturalized pieces – haired large and small mammals, but also feathered – belonging to the collections of our museum.
The “Wonderful World of Birds” exhibition was organized due to the fact that the Vrancea Museum owns one of the largest naturalized bird collections in the country. It brings together over 250 birds of the sedentary, migratory and exotic birds. The humming bird – the smallest in size in the world, Emu, the second-largest living bird by height, after the African ostrich, along with the birds that existed in Vrancea lands but disappeared after the 1960s, such as the Black Eagle and The great bustart, as well as birds still present: the swan, the shelducks, the black woodpecker, the black stork, the Mountain Rooster, The Eurasian wren – the smallest bird in the country.
The public aquarium opened in 1989 on the ground floor of the building and functioned until 2008 with the exhibition “Aquatic Animals”. The exhibition featured live specimens of exotic freshwater fish and water turtle. It was completed with dioramas and show cases presenting different aquatic ecosystems, as well as various naturalized or preserved aquatic plants and animals (paddy birds, insects, amphibians etc.).
Between 2008-2010, the current management of the Natural Sciences Department, at the request of the Vrancea Museum, initiated extensive redevelopment and refurbishment works, completing the collection of fish and turtles with other pet species. This way it was founded the “Living animals’ exhibition”. Within it, over 230 specimens belonging to 34 species could be admired. There were freshwater fish theat live in Romania and exotic reptiles – iguanas, gecko lizard, European green lizard (from our country), snakes (royal python), along with exotic small birds and mammals – The society finch or Bengalese finch, Australian zebra, The cockatiel, The Siberian flying squirrel and others.
Since 2015 – to the present
Starting in March 2015, the Science Section of Nature was closed to the public. Since then, the operators began to dismantle the exhibits, pack the entire inheritage, and moved it to another building. This situation came as a result of the fact that the property of the museum – the Tatovici House – is part of a vast process of consolidation, extension and rehabilitation.
The Department of Natural Sciences is temporarily working in a new building in no. 8, Republicii Street, from Focsani with the “Live Animals Exhibition”, which presents over 290 specimens of 36 species of fish, reptiles, birds and mammals.
The preserved heritage is systematized in collections and totally stored, because the space it is not big ehough to design a permanent exhibition.
Until the restoration of the building is completed, the preserved heritage of the Department of Nature Sciences, comprising over 53,000 pieces, will be capitalized on temporary and itinerant exhibitions, independently or in partnership with other museum institutions in the country.
Educational activities
The Natural Sciences Section is a space for information, a space for discovery and a recreational space where visitors enjoy, admire, express their feelings.
Promoting the educational policy of the museum involves partnerships with the setting of a well-defined target audience, the establishment, documentation and realization of a topic to be debated, the elaboration of the action plan and the way of presentation. Various partnerships have been carried out in this respect, which only targeted the pupils from public schools in Focsani and the rural sorounding area.
Nowadays, the Department of Natural Sciences is an action museum that, through its activities, shows interest in promoting individual and collective dynamism among a certain audience – the pupils – being consistent and actively participating in the achievement of the functions and mission of the Vrancea Museum. Through the services of the Section we aim at the promotion of specific activities, the values and the principles according to which they take place, as well as the beneficial effect manifested within the society.
Mausoleums and their museums
The Heroes Mausoleum from Focșani is located in the southern part of the city, 200 meters from the road, on no. 9A, Bucharest Boulevard
The “Tombs of Heroes” Society (Societatea „Mormintele Eroilor”), Putna Branch, took the initiation to rise the monument, its president being General Toma Lișcu. General Lișcu coordinated the raising of funds for the construction of the Mausoleum.
The construction of the impressive edifice began in 1927, following the plans of the state architect Baloșin.
Here lie for eternity 1744 heroes fallen into debt during the First World War.
The Heroes Mausoleum from Mărășești was built on the initiative of the Romanian Women’s Orthodox Society, who participated in the Congress of the Society in the summer of 1917. The Mausoleum was built over the place where one of the greatest battles of the First World War was held and where the Romanian Army won a brilliant victory.
The foundation stone was laid in August 1923, on the site donated in 1921 by Georges Ulise Negropontes. The construction was built according to the plans of architect George Cristinel. In September, the crypts in which the bones of those who fallen in the battles of the summer of 1917 were inaugurated. After 12 years the construction of the Glory Cup recommenced. On the outside it was decorated with metopes in which are rendered aspects during the fighting in Marasesti, carved by Cornel Medrea and Ion Jalea, and in the inside it was painted in fresco by Eduard Săulescu. In 1938 the construction was completed and inaugurated in the presence of King Carol II.
The Mausoleum hosts 154 individual crypts and 9 commune crypts, totaling 5,073 soldiers and officers, the sarcophagus of General Eremia Grigorescu, as well as a church chapel.
In the premises of the mausoleum, in a separate building, the “Marasesti Battles Museum” was organized, in which were exhibited objects belonging to Ecaterina Teodoroiu, weapons and weaponry that were used in the battles of Marasesti, photographs, documents, medals and brevets granted to some heroes.
Every year, on August 6th, events are organized to commemorate those who fell during the great battles of the summer of 1917.
The Mărăşti Mausoleum is located in the village of Mărăşti, Răcoasa commune
In these places, in the summer of 1917, the Romanian army, commanded by General Alexandru Averescu, won the first and the real victory against the German armies. In order to glorify the heroism of the Romanian soldiers, the Mărăști Mausoleum was built on the initiative of officers and generals of the 2nd Romanian Army, who founded the “Mărăști Society”. The construction was raised on level 536, where the battle took place.
On June 10th, 1928, the foundation stone of the mausoleum was laid. The monument is the work of the architect Pandele Şerbănescu, and the facades were decorated with bronze basoreliefs by the sculptor Aurel Bordenache.
In the basement there are the crypts in which the bones of the Romanian soldiers fallen on these lands were buried, as well as the sarcophaguses of four generals: Alexandru Averescu, Arthur Văitoianu, Nicolae Arghirescu and Alexandru Mărgineanu.
In the basement a small museum point with several personal objects belonging to Arthur Văitoianu was organized, and at the basement were exposed weapons and weaponry from the First World War.
The Soveja Mausoleum is located in Dragosloveni, Soveja commune, and has been built in the memory of those who fell in the fighting of the ȘușițaValley in the summer of 1917. In 1929, the mausoleum construction began. In the crypt of the monument were buried the bones of the Romanian and Russian soldiers who fell in these places, and in the ossuary were buried 2,000 bones of unknown soldiers.
In the building behind the mausoleum there is a museum in which photodocumentary, weapons, paintings with aspects during the battles of the summer of 1917 were exhibited.
The Alexandru Vlahuță Memorial Museum is located in Dragosloveni, Dumbrăveni commune, on the left side of the European road, km. 164.
The memorial house was organized in 1958 in the building where the writer Alexandru Vlahuţă lived a few years of his life, until 1916. Here was also the meeting place of the three friends: Caragiale, Delavrancea and Vlahuță. In the rooms on the ground floor and on the floor was reconstituted the atmosphere specific to the period in which the writer lived with the help of the photocumentary material, some pieces of furniture and the decorative art that belonged to him. The photodocumentary exhibition organized in one of the rooms offers the visitor a brief presentation of the life and activity of the great disappeared.
Every year, in November, the Alexandru Vlahuță Memorial Museum hosts the literary manifestation “The Dragosloven Literary Salon”.
The Memorial House “Moş Ioan Roată” from Câmpuri was inaugurated on January 24, 1959, on the occasion of the Centenary of the Union of the Principalities. In the house where the exhibition was arranged lived Ioan Roata, deputy of the Romanian peasantry in the ad-hoc Divan of Moldova (in 1857), a fervent supporter of the Romanian unification.
In 2007, after the reparation, a new reorganization of the exhibition was made, trying to recreate the atmosphere of the time when Ioan Roata lived, the house getting the look of the home, as it was when he lived.
The personality of Ioan Roata, a militant for the union and improvement of the fate of the peasants, the architectural features of dwelling specific to Vrancea Country, make this historical and museum objective a point of attraction and interest for those who visit it.
The Mixt Municipal Adjud Museum was organized in Adjud city. Its geographical location, the natural setting in which it developed with distinct peculiarities – the archaeological and historical testimonies, its place and its role in the history of the county imposed, as a cultural necessity, the establishment of a museum.
Its beginnings date back to the 1970s, when it was originally established as a museum of natural science, later supplemented with historical testimony once it moved to another location.
In 2000, once the museum was moved în a new, more generous space, the current permanent exhibition was inaugurated, in a new conception whereby history as a human experience is found in its natural evolutionary context. Museum testimonies of the natural sciences – the flora and fauna of the surroundings of Adjud – in the first hall, preface the other halls where archaeological, documentary and historical testimonies of the evolution of the city, the participation of its inhabitants at the special events in the history of the nation , The War of Independence of 1877) are exposed.
The Restoration and Conservation Laboratory is located in a self-contained building, in Focşani, no. 21, Cuza Vodă Street, and is structured on the following departments: book restoration laboratory, ceramic and metal restoration, plastic art restoration, textile restoration, taxidermy lab, photo lab and conservation laboratory, investigative laboratory.
Address: Adresa: Focşani, str. Republicii nr. 8, Cod 620018
Open in Google Maps
Manager: Valentin-Romeo Muscă
Tel :+40.237 222.890
Fax :+40.237 222.890
Pagina de internet : http://www.muzeulvrancei.ro
Email : muzeulvrancei@yahoo.com