Energy Rehabilitation and Related Works at Art galleries

Vrancea County Territorial Administrative Unit, as beneficiary of the financing contract, concluded with the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration – as Managing Authority for the Regional Operational Program 2014 – 2020 and with the Agency for Regional Development of the South-East Development Region – as Intermediate Body for the Regional Operational Program 2014 – 2020, Priority Axis 3 – “Supporting the transition to a low carbon economy”, Investment Priority 3.1: “Increasing energy efficiency in residential buildings, public buildings and lighting systems public, especially those that record high energy consumption ”, announces the start of the activities of the project” Energy rehabilitation and related works Art Galleries “, SMIS code 118522.
The total value of the project is 1.350.391,28 lei out of which: 1.299.552,14 lei represents the total eligible value of the project, 1.104.619,32 lei the eligible value non-refundable from the European Regional Development Fund, 168.891,78 lei the eligible value non-reimbursable from the national budget and 25.991,04 lei the amount of eligible co-financing of the Vrancea County Council.
The general objective of the project is to increase the energy efficiency in the public building Art Galleries, with the address of Vrancea county, Focșani municipality, Unirii boulevard, no. 57A, by carrying out intervention works with the purpose of thermal insulation of the building, modernization of the installation for the preparation and distribution of the thermal agent and the domestic water, installation of air conditioning systems, modernization of the lighting installation, including the use of renewable sources to ensure the energy needs, as well as other related works.
The specific objective of the project is to reduce by a minimum 29% of the annual primary energy consumption and an annual reduction of CO2 emissions with a CO2 equivalent of 2.94 tonnes CO20 / year.
By applying the package of maximum measures within the Energy Audit Report and the Technical Expertise, we aim to reduce the primary energy consumption by over 80%, as well as to reduce the thermal energy for heating the spaces by approximately 84%. Thus, the values recorded for the specific annual consumption of primary energy and the specific annual level of CO2 equivalent emissions will be, following the intervention, below the values imposed by guide for the reference year 2018: 60.08 KWh / sqm / year for primary energy and 2.96 tonnes equivalent for CO2 emissions.
By increasing the energy performance of the public building, in the short and medium term, the local public authority is relieved of the expenses with the conventional fuel used, the expenses with the maintenance of the building are reduced, the support of the economic agents in the field of construction is assured and new jobs are created during the period of the intervention. By partially producing energy using renewable resources, CO2 emissions will be reduced.
The expected results are:
- Energy efficient and consolidated building through intervention works
- Thermal rehabilitation works of the heating system / of the hot water supply system
- Rehabilitation / modernization of the lighting installation in the building
- Specific annual level of greenhouse gases (equivalent tonnes of CO2)
- The descrease of the annual primary energy consumption (kWh / year)
- The decrease of the annual final energy consumption in the public building (from non-renewable sources) (tep)
- The decrease of the specific annual consumption of primary energy from non-renewable sources (kWh / m2 / year) total, of which:
- Increasing the specific annual consumption of primary energy from renewable sources (kWh // year) total:
- After the implementation of the measures proposed in the Maximum Package of Measures, the energy produced from renewable sources will reach a level of 23.75% of the total primary energy consumption of the rehabilitated building.
The target group – is represented by the people who work within the building, but also by the people who request the services related to the Art Galleries, about 100 people will benefit from the results of the project.
The execution of the project will benefit the executors of works, who will contract the investment works, the suppliers of raw materials, the service providers within the project (design, consultancy, advertising), the related service providers (waste collection, etc.), various collaborators of the operators. economic involved, who through various activities have contact with them, and the community from Focșani.
The implementation period of the project is 45 months, respectively between 01.08.2017 and 30.04.2021.
Beneficiary: Territorial Administrative Unit Vrancea County, having its headquarters in str. Bd. Dimitrie Cantemir, no. 1, place. Focşani, Vrancea county, postal code: 620098, Romania.
Phone: 0327,372,452; e-mail: contact@cjvrancea.ro
Contact person: Negulescu Daniela – Project manager.
Investim în viitorul tău! Proiect cofinanțat din Fondul European
de Dezvoltare Regională prin Programul Operațional Regional 2014-2020
www.inforegio.ro | facebook.com/inforegio.ro
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